Case Study Hünenberg Schools

Hünenberg Schools, a progressive elementary school in Zug, Switzerland, embarked on a transformative journey with baseVISION AG to modernize their infrastructure by moving to the Azure cloud using Azure Governance Light. By focusing on resource organization, availability, policies, tagging, naming conventions, identity management, monitoring, backup, and cost management, the schools laid a solid foundation for their Azure environment. This strategic shift  demonstrated a commitment to forward-thinking education by aligning technology with the institution’s ethos for improved efficiency and security.

The situation before baseVISION: infrastructure in a local data center

The Hünenberg Schools are a public elementary school in the Canton of Zug with progressive leadership structures and efficient school management. They are committed to a humane, future-oriented and progressive education for their students from kindergarten to grade 9.

The Hünenberg schools are facing the challenge of modernizing their infrastructure for the digital age. They have already taken important steps by managing their clients with Microsoft Intune. However, the server infrastructure was still located in a local data center.

The Vision: Digital transformation with the Azure Cloud

  • Move your entire server infrastructure to the Azure cloud.

  • Leverage the full potential of modern cloud technologies.

  • Increase efficiency and security.

«With Azure Governance Light, Hünenberg schools can plan for the vision of moving its entire server infrastructure to the Azure cloud, realizing the full potential of modern cloud technologies while significantly improving efficiency and security.»

Beat Arnold. computer scientist at Hünenberg schools

Our Solution

In order to successfully follow this ambitious path, the Hünenberg schools turned to baseVISION AG. Together they developed a long-term strategy with Azure Governance Light. The project is designed to provide the schools with a solid foundation for their Azure environment and facilitate their first steps into the cloud.

During the project, the following topics were analyzed in depth and integrated accordingly:

Resource Organization

Placing Azure resources correctly from the start reduces duplication of effort and creates a secure and modular environment.


Ensuring the availability of Azure services was paramount, and we developed strategies to meet these requirements at all times.

Azure Policies

Ensuring the availability of Azure services was paramount, and we developed strategies to meet these requirements at all times.


The definition of Azure tags and their application options were worked out to enable orderly resource management.


A naming concept in an Azure governance concept is important to ensure clear identification, management, and ordering of resources in the cloud, enabling efficient and controlled implementation.


Identity management and role-based access control (RBAC) implementation were covered, as identity is the perimeter in the cloud.


Monitoring with Azure Monitor was introduced to proactively respond to Azure resource discrepancies.


The implementation of backup mechanisms enables fast recovery in case of unexpected data loss.


We discussed the unique aspects of cost management in the cloud, including the shift from capital to operational costs, cost optimization, and budget monitoring.

Resource Organization

Placing Azure resources correctly from the start reduces duplication of effort and creates a secure and modular environment.


Ensuring the availability of Azure services was paramount, and we developed strategies to meet these requirements at all times.

Azure Policies

We have defined basic Azure policies to provide clear guidelines for creating new
resources and managing existing ones.


The definition of Azure tags and their possibilities were worked out to enable orderly resource management.


A naming concept in an Azure governance concept is important to ensure clear identification, management, and ordering of resources in the cloud, enabling efficient and controlled implementation.


Identity management and role-based access control (RBAC) implementation were covered, as identity is the perimeter in the cloud.


Monitoring with Azure Monitor was introduced to proactively respond to Azure resource discrepancies.


The implementation of backup mechanisms enables fast recovery in case of unexpected data loss.


We discussed the unique aspects of cost management in the cloud, including the shift from capital to operational costs, cost optimization, and budget monitoring.

«Getting started with Azure can be challenging and time-consuming. That’s why it’s important to take your time and get organized in the beginning. This is the only way to make the learning curve steep and sustainable. This is exactly what we did at the Hünenberg schools – with success!»

Pratheep Sinnathurai, Senior Azure Engineer, baseVISION AG

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